Hello! I’m Emily, thrilled to have you join me here! Away from the camera and keyboard, you’ll find me in the whirlwind of parenting an adventurous 7-year-old and tending to two fluffy white pups. As I navigate the beautiful chaos of family life, I embrace my roles as a dedicated mother, a loving spouse to my incredibly supportive husband, and an entrepreneur fortunate to serve the most wonderful clients imaginable. With over 13 years behind the lens, photography isn’t just my career—it’s my lifelong love affair.

I am an Accredited member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC), having received accreditations in both Newborn Portraiture, and Child and Infant Portraiture.

the tiniest little beings
have the biggest influence on our hearts

my goal is to create
art for you
that will last generations


Experience timeless, emotive, and authentic photography with me. I specialize in guiding every moment to ensure you’re captured in the most flattering light. My aim is to create memories of comfort, relaxation, and pure joy, while also preserving the essence of your family’s legacy with creativity, consistency, and professionalism. Let’s embark on a journey of unforgettable moments together.


When I am not working with my clients, I volunteer my time as Area Coordinator, Affiliate Photographer, and Dispatcher for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS); a non-profit organization offering remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a new baby. I was drawn to this organization because of the invaluable gift that the service provides, but also because of the growing demand for photographers in the Ottawa area.

In 2023 I was nominated for Volunteer of the Year award.

If you are a photographer and are interested in volunteering, I encourage you to reach out to me. I am always happy to provide more information and to guide you along the application process.



I am quite talented at sight-reading piano music

As a teenager I was hired to fill in for the church organist on occasion, and it would stress my parents to no end when I never EVER practised!

I LOVE Friends, medical dramas and reality shows about love!

Some of my favourite TV shows are Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Bachelor series. My PVR is always stacked with several options and, when all else fails, a good Netflix or Crave marathon is great!

The moment I knew I had to work with babies…

My very first job as a teenager was working as a cleaner in the maternity ward and nursery at a local hospital. That was when I knew that in the future I needed to find a career working with babies.

I have a sweet tooth!

My favourite treat is the original Cadbury Cream Eggs! I hoard the Easter eggs so I can have some in the off-season!

Let’s Connect