Ottawa Photographers | Stay Home Project

The last several weeks have been tough. Tough because hundreds, no, thousands of people around the globe have fallen ill, and sadly many have passed away, from the terrible virus that has plagued the earth – COVID-19. Here in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford announced that as of March 24, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., all non-essential businesses are to cease. Well, photography (and certainly photography involving humans) falls into that non-essential category. For many of my fellow photographers, and myself included, this meant that numerous already-scheduled sessions would be postponed or cancelled altogether. Weddings would either not be photographed, or would need to be postponed. Newborn sessions (typically photographed in the first few weeks) will be postponed. Maternity sessions might be postponed, or may not even happen at all. BUT… we all realize that while documenting these precious moments is an honour and a keepsake for families, it is not the be all and end all. To avoid putting ourselves, our families, our clients and the public at risk, we as an industry realize that now is not the time to be working for charity, even if we distance ourselves from the subjects. The old saying ‘there is a time and a place’ really fits right now. So… we put down our cameras and we wait. We stay home. We THANK the frontline and essential workers that are still going to work, day in and day out, to keep our community running – all at a great risk.

Enter, the Stay Home Project. A fellow photographer, Stacey Laviolette, approached our local Ottawa Professional Women Photographers Group about putting together a collage with a special message to the community. Many of us jumped on board at a wonderful opportunity to reach out and put a face to the message.

Thank you to Elizabeth Fulton and Jessica Thomas for composing the wording in our special message:

A healthy community is one we create together. Protect our family and yours. Love your neighbours. Honour our frontline and essential workers. Keep our vulnerable community members safe. Please stay home. We can’t wait to capture your memories again soon!

This collage was designed by Melissa Gauthier.

Again, thank you to all of my most amazing clients for all the recent love and support during this terrible time.

Emily Brown xoxo

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