* perinatal loss *

In 2013 I joined Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS) as an Affiliated Photographer. I was looking for a way to offer my time and talent to an organization that could truly benefit without feeling like I needed anything in return. I first heard about NILMTS while watching an emotional episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. After talking with some local photographers, I met the then-Area Coordinator for Ottawa and Gatineau. She tried to persuade me to join NILMDTS for at least a year before I decided to submit my application. I was nervous and wasn’t sure if I was cut out for this type of photography. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep provides the gift of remembrance portraits to parents experiencing the death of a baby.

My Affiliate Photographer application was accepted in March of 2013 and I attended my first session just a few months later in June. I now serve as the Area Coordinator for Eastern Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec, focusing primarily on the Ottawa region.

If you would like more information, please visit https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/.

To find a photographer (worldwide) please use the Find a Photographer link on the NILMDTS website. To find a photographer in Ottawa, Gatineau or Eastern Ontario, please call (613) 853-2166 and I will coordinate a photographer directly. Calls are fielded 7 days per week between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM.