Ottawa Photographer | Interview with CTV News Ottawa
I was interviewed yesterday by CTV News Ottawa’s Multi-Skilled Journalist, Peter Szperling, surrounding the frustration within the photography industry and the province’s roadmap to reopening. My interview was aired on CTV News Ottawa’s 6:00 o’clock news broadcast with Graham Richardson and Patricia Boal. My fellow photographer and Ontario Director for the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC), Jennifer Gilbert, was also interviewed and is featured in the news clip. To read the article and view the news video on CTV click here. The article and video was also published on 580 CFRA’s website here. This week we received confirmation from the City of Ottawa’s Director of By-law and Regulatory Services that photography may operate outdoors so long as public health recommendations are met and the maximum number of people allowed to gather is adhered to. For now, this means that groups no larger than 4 people can be photographed.
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